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Free message card with every gift

Would you like to surprise someone with a beautiful gift? All of our gifts are shipped without including an invoice, so that the gift can be shipped straight to the recipient.

All gifts personalised with photo/text

Each and every gift we create can be personalised with the photo and/or text of your choice, making it truly unique every time, for any occasion.

Happiness is a much-debated topic in the realms of psychology and philosophy. But what truly makes us happy? Is it a fleeting moment or a permanent state of contentment? Well, according to Psychology Today , happiness is a multifaceted concept.

"Happiness is a state, not a trait; in other words, it isn’t a long-lasting, permanent feature or personality trait, but a more fleeting, changeable state."

It's clear that happiness isn't constant state of being, but an emotion that comes and goes.

What are some ways to increase happiness?

As we navigate through life and all of its complexities, the pursuit of happiness often guides us. Can we increase our happiness and if so, how?

One of the simplest ways to boost happiness is through acts of kindness. A kind word, a generous gesture, or even a smile can have a profound impact on both the giver and the recipient. This is even more so during the Christmas season, as the spirit of giving gives every interaction an extra special warmth.

Ways to Increase Happiness

  • Practice gratitude: Taking a moment each day to recognise and appreciate the good in your life can significantly increase your happiness levels.
  • Connect with loved ones: Spending quality time with family and friends, particularly during the festive season, can greatly enhance happiness.
  • Give generously: The act of giving, whether it's gifts, time, or kindness, can provide a powerful boost to your happiness. Christmas offers the perfect opportunity to embrace this.

So, this Christmas, why not make the decision to increase your happiness? You can have a profound effect on your own life and the lives of those around you.

The science of happiness and how it relates to gift giving

Is it the material possessions we acquire or the relationships we nurture that make us happy? So many studies have been carried out on this subject, and more often than not, it points towards the latter. One aspect that intertwines the two is the act of gift giving. 

Gift giving is a universal way to express affection, appreciation, and love. Among relationships, it serves as a conduit to enhance our connections with others. But how does this impact our happiness? 

"Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give." - Ben Carson

In a study conducted by Harvard Business School, it was found that spending money on others (prosocial spending) leads to higher levels of happiness than spending on oneself. 

  • Giving activates the regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust, creating a 'warm glow' effect.
  • It helps us feel a sense of purpose and enhances feelings of self-worth.
  • Giving gifts, especially personalised ones, allows us to express our individuality and creativity.

But it's not just the act of giving that makes us happy. The anticipation of seeing the recipient's reaction, the thought process involved in choosing the gift and the actual act of gifting can all contribute to this happiness. 

So, does giving gifts make happier? Science says yes!

Do you want to make some people in your life happy this Xmas season?

Christmas Gifts

Christmas Gifts

Christmas ornaments aluminium - Star (2)

Christmas ornaments aluminium - Star (2)

Christmas Chocolate Gifts

Christmas Chocolate Gifts

Gift Sets

Gift Sets

Gift-Giving and Happiness: The Psychological Connection

"Giving to others activates areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a 'warm glow' effect. Research has shown that these neural effects increase our well-being and happiness." - Source

So, how does this 'warm glow' effect work?

  1. Activates pleasure centres: When you give a gift to someone, it triggers the reward centres in your brain, releasing endorphins and creating a feeling of joy. It's akin to the high you feel after a good workout, also known as the 'runner's high'.
  2. Builds social connection: Gift-giving is a social activity. It can strengthen relationships and foster a feeling of being connected to others. In turn, this social connection has been linked to increased happiness.
  3. Promotes trust: By giving a gift, you are showing trust in the recipient, which can boost your own happiness.

Happiness and Christmas gift giving

According to researchers at Leiden University, the act of giving, especially during festive seasons like Christmas, has the potential to activate the happiness hormones in our brains. And there's more; this study found that the happiness derived from giving isn't just momentary. It can persist over a long period, meaning that the joy you feel from giving that perfect Christmas gift could last well into the new year! It's because giving helps us feel connected to others. It fosters a sense of community and shared experience, which is vital for our mental well-being. So, if you're in search of happiness, the answer may be simpler than you think. Give. Not just possessions, but your time, your attention, your compassion. It could be the key to unlocking a whole new level of happiness.

Spread a little happiness: The impact of small acts of kindness on happiness

Imagine that indescribable moment of happiness right after someone opens a gift. Spreading happiness is what we are passionate about. That is why we do everything we can to help you make someone else happy.

Will this make other people happy?

That is what we ask ourselves everyday. The drive to make someone else happy is felt in everything we do. We want to make a meaningful difference by helping people use their memories to create new ones

How do we do this?

Your mother’s birthday, a Valentine’s gift for your sweetheart or just a thank you for your colleague; every moment and every recipient is unique. To help every giver find a suitable gift, we embrace this diversity. This is reflected not only in our large gift selection but also in the multitude of designs we offer. This way, we ensure that everyone can find a gift that touches the hearts of their loved ones.

Small acts of kindness, like gift-giving, can have a profound impact on happiness. It all comes back to the connection that giving and receiving gifts fosters. It is a physical expression of the intangible bond of love, care, and respect that exists between the giver and the recipient. It's about making someone else's day better, or perhaps even their life. The happiness experienced in such moments is a blend of joy, warmth, and a sense of being loved and valued.

Moreover, small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect. When you experience happiness from a kind act, you're more likely to spread that happiness by being kind to others. This way, kindness multiplies itself, spreading joy and happiness far and wide. Your small act of kindness could make a world of difference to someone else's day.

Why not Start Giving Today?

It's clear that giving to others not only makes them happy but also boosts our own happiness. But how can we incorporate this into our daily lives? Here are some ways you can start today:

  • Give a personalised gift: You can't beat the feeling of giving a loved one a gift, knowing you've put in the time and effort to create something truly unique and especially for them. Guaranteed smiles all around!
  • Give a compliment: It doesn't always have to be something material. A sincere compliment can make someone's day, and you'll likely feel good for having brightened up their day.
  • Donate to a cause you believe in: Monetary gifts can also contribute to your happiness. Choose a cause that is close to your heart and make a donation.
  • Volunteer your time: Time is one of the most precious gifts you can give. Volunteer for a local charity or help out a neighbour. You'll feel good knowing you've made a positive impact.

Go ahead, make someone's day with a thoughtful personalised gift and experience the joy that comes with it. After all, isn't the essence of happiness found in the simple act of sharing?

Snow Globe

Snow Globe

Christmas mugs

Christmas mugs

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Wine Gifts

